RADIX is committed to honest, ethical and legal sales practices. Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action, chosen at RADIX discretion, which may include retraining, fines, an account or accounts taken out of your name (including a chargeback or loss of commissions), loss of bonuses, suspension and/or termination of your contractor agreement with the company, civil lawsuit, criminal prosecution where appropriate, and responsibility for any and all costs associated with any disciplinary action. RADIX reserves the right to terminate any Sales Contractor at any time for no reason, or upon the occurrence of any violation of its Code of Conduct directives.
Although it is impossible for us to list every possible way in which you could be subject to discipline, the examples below represent a summary of a few of the terms which could violate the underlying principles of honesty, integrity, and fair-dealing required by RADIX Code of Conduct for Sales Contractors.
1.1. Ensure that you correctly and completely include all relevant information when preparing a customer contract. Do not include any untrue information on the customer contract, including putting in temporary contact or payment information.
1.1.1. All required information must be filled out completely and the contract must be signed by the customer prior to the activation of Services.
1.1.2. If using a paper contract, all information should be visible on the customer’s carbon copy of the contract, which must always be left with the customer.
1.2. Do not include your contact or payment information, or information of any RADIX Sales Contractor, as an “emergency contact” for the customer.
1.3. Do not take any action that is contrary to state or federal law regarding any customer Right to Cancel or “cooling-off period.”
1.3.1. Do not tell a potential customer that they can cancel their contract at any time or that their contract is only a trial period.
1.3.2. You must write in the Right of Rescission date, or RADIX may be required to release the customer from their contract.
1.3.3. Do not extend a customer’s cancellation period past the legal Right of Rescission.
1.4. Do not modify, in any way (either orally or in writing), the language of a customer contract, before or after the customer signs the contract.
1.5. The language spoken in the oral sales presentation must be the same language as the customer agreement and the Verification Call.
1.5.1. Do not give a sales presentation in Spanish if the customer is signing a contract in English.
1.6. Until a customer's solar system is fully funded for a period of one full year from the date of PTO, all payments are considered payment advances. Any payment advances paid to date for a customer that cancels prior to the one year anniversary of PTO, will be deemed unearned and subsequently collected by the Company.
1.7 RADIX may modify the Compensation Schedule or compensation structure from time-to-time. RADIX will give Sales Contractors written notice of at least 10 days prior to any modifications to the Compensation Schedule and/or structure.
2.1. You are required to clearly inform potential customer that RADIX will conduct a credit check and obtain express permission for each individual whose credit you wish to run. This applies when running credits through any method.
2.1.1. This includes using or running the credit of an individual with another individual’s permission (i.e., a wife allowing you to run the credit of her husband without you obtaining his express permission is not allowed).
2.1.2. Deceased individuals cannot give permission and should not be used on a contract.
2.1.3. Simply telling a customer that you “need to see if they are the homeowner” or you “need to check to see if they are authorized for our promotion” or other non-explicit language is not sufficient.
2.2. Do not run the credit of anyone unless they are a prospective customer.
2.2.1. Running your own credit, the credit of a friend, family member, or neighbor should not be done.
2.2.2. Running the credit of any non-prospective persons is expressly prohibited and will result in immediate termination.
2.3. Do not violate the company’s cosigner policy.
2.4. If the Service requires the customer to be a homeowner, do not sell to any person who is not on the title of the home, including those who are renting, “intend” to buy the home, or are “renting to own.”
2.5. Be aware of the capacity of each potential customer to enter into a customer agreement voluntarily, intentionally, and knowingly (i.e., the elderly, disabled, and those taking medications).
2.5.1. Selling Services to an elderly customer, someone under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or someone who has a disability that does not have the capacity to enter into a contract, is not allowed.
2.5.2. If you are unsure about the individual’s capacity, you should ask if there is a Power of Attorney (see Section 3.2.1 for further details) for the potential customer or a friend or family member who helps the potential customer make important decisions.
2.5.3. Sales people may not sell anyone over the age of 85.
3.1. Do not impersonate, or allow another to impersonate, any person on any call at any time (with or without permission).
3.2. Do not sign any document, or allow another to sign any document, on behalf of any person. This applies regardless of whether the person gives you or another permission. For example, do not allow a wife to sign her husband’s name on the contract (with or without his permission).
3.2.1. In cases where someone has Power of Attorney, that person should not sign the other person’s name. The person who has the Power of Attorney needs to sign their own name with “Power of Attorney” printed after it. That person would also need to supply you with a copy of their Power of Attorney paperwork, which you must turn in with the contract in order to be paid on the account.
3.2.2 All customer signatures on digital contracts must be executed by the customer on their own device. Contracts signed on the sales professional's device will be considered fraud.
3.3. Do not give legal advice to anyone in respect to selling Services for RADIX, especially a customer (i.e., telling a customer they can get out of a contract or that they are already out of a contract with their prior company).
3.4. Never enter into, or appear to enter into, any agreement, or appearance of an agreement, on behalf of RADIX.
4.1. Sell only in areas where you know that you and the company are properly licensed (including state and local licenses (i.e., a peddlers or solicitors license) and has been approved by the Company.
4.1.1. If you receive a citation for soliciting without a license, you will be personally responsible for paying the fine and any negative consequences resulting from the citation.
4.1.2. You are personally responsible for knowing whether you are properly licensed in any area to solicit or sell. If you have any questions about your licensing status consult the applicable municipal, state, and federal laws that apply.
4.1.3. You must carry a physical copy of your license at all times and you must show it (and your RADIX ID badge) upon request to anyone that asks.
4.1.4. You must always cooperate with police officials.
4.2. Do not sell outside of your area, as assigned by your sales leader.
4.3. Do not sell or solicit in “non-solicit” areas or where door to door sales is prohibited without first contacting the Compliance Department for prior approval.
4.3.1. If someone has a “no soliciting” sign and they ask you to leave, you must do so immediately, without argument.
5.1. Do not suggest or tell a customer that they can call the corporate office to get a shorter contract length, free months of monitoring service, or to change their payment method to manual billing, or anything contrary to the original contract terms.
5.2. Do not state or imply that a customer should answer the “Verification Call” questions a certain way (“coaching”). Explaining what questions will be asked is appropriate, but reps must not tell the customer how to answer each question.
5.2.1. The Verification Call must be completed before the technician begins installation of Services. The technician is required to call Account Creation prior to starting the installation to verify that this has taken place.
5.3. Never provide any false information in the creation of an account (with or without the intent to later change it to the correct information).
5.3.1. Do not attempt to manipulate credit checks or customer information in anyway (i.e., changing an address, changing the name of a potential customer, changing the birth date of a potential customer, running additional credit checks, or adding non-qualified customers to accounts).
5.4. Do not, in any capacity or under any circumstances, use a Sales Contractor identification number other than your own.
5.4.1. This includes not putting a sale in another Sales Contractor’s name or putting a person’s name on the customer contract as the “Authorized Sales Contractor” other than the person who sold the account.
6.1. Affirmatively represent yourself as a Sales Contractor of RADIX, including always wearing your company issued ID badge in a clearly visible location (i.e., on a lanyard around your neck),and an authorized RADIX shirt.
6.1.1. You are required to verbally identify yourself as a Sales Contractor of RADIX within the first 30 seconds of contact with a potential customer.
6.2. Ensure that your voicemail greeting accurately represents your relationship as a Sales Contractor for RADIX.
6.3. Do not use brochures, business cards, marketing materials, shirts, hats, or any item that bears a logo or mark that suggests that you are affiliated with any other company other than RADIX or simply “the Services Company” (whether you previously worked for the other company or not).
6.3.1. Also, do not use, make, or handout any other marketing materials(including fliers or business cards) unless it has been pre-approved by RADIX marketing department (not simply a sales manager).
6.4. Do not state or imply that you are with, affiliated with, working with, sponsored by, or endorsed by the police department or any other official or governmental agency.
6.4.1. This is true even if you personally know of a government official or police officer (for example) that has a RADIX system.
6.4.2. Do not state or imply any affiliation with or endorsement by any Homeowners Association or Property Management.
6.5. Do not state or imply that the Veterans Administration, Medicare, Senior Assistance, Welfare, the government, or any other program will pay for the monthly monitoring fee (or any portion of it) for any customer.
6.6. Do not use any other offer or voucher in the sale of Services, unless it has been pre-approved by the corporate office (not the Sales Contractor’s manager).
6.7. Become educated on and accurately represent the functionality of all RADIX or one of RADIX's partners equipment.
6.7.1. For example, do not inform customers that solar panels will work at night, government tax incentives will always be a check in the mail, or that solar will backup their home when the power is down without a battery pack, etc.
6.8. Do not promise a customer they will receive a homeowner’s insurance discount for having Services activated in their home, or that their Services rate will be less due to a homeowner’s insurance discount.
6.9. If you promise a payment or credit to a customer for any reason (referral bonus, free months of service, etc.) promptly fulfill that commitment to the customer.
6.9.1 All reroofs promised to a customer and fulfilled by the sales professional are not approved until the permit with the Authority Having Jurisdiction approves the solar permit. If the sales contractor elects to personally fulfill on the reroof, they assume all responsibility for payments and liability for the reroof.
6.10. Never state or imply a reason for giving the customer a discount or promotion which is not factual.
6.10.1. Never inform a customer that they are getting the equipment for free, but you may say that installation is free, if it is in fact free.
6.11. Never give customers tax advice. Sales Contractors will refer customers to a Tax Professional if questions about state or federal tax incentives arise. Sales Contractors may also provide these approved references to customers: SEIA.org, Energy.gov.
6.12. All solar production numbers (kWh's) presented during the solar presentation with a customer must be described as an estimate. Shade, weather, and changes to the proposed design when the formal blueprints are created can all create a disparity between the proposal and the actual performance of the solar system. Sales contractors may never promise a production or offset guarantee, unless the leasing or funding company specifically has a production guarantee.
6.12.1. Promising a $0 utility bill after the system is activated is in strict violation of this sales policy. While some utility bills may be $0 or negative some months, suggesting a $0 bill as a guarantee or promise is misrepresenting the solar product.
6.13 Radix does not accept add-on solar systems until the customer's solar system(s) have been fully operational for six (6) months. After six months of production, Radix will conduct an energy audit to determine if additional solar panels will help the customer before accepting the account. This policy only applies to solar add-ons.
7.1. Do not present yourself in any manner or imply in any manner as being associated or affiliated with any company other than RADIX.
7.1.1. You must accurately communicate that we are “an Authorized Dealer of [Solar Installer].” Do not say that you are “working with [Solar Installer]” or are “with [Solar Installer]”.
7.1.2. Do not tell a customer you are with “the Services Company”. For example, do not tell a customer you are with “the Utility Company.”
7.2. Do not tell any potential customer that their current Services may not or will not work for any reason, unless it is expressly true.
7.3. Do not ever take any existing equipment from a person’s home or dispose of it. This directive applies even if the person asks you to remove or dispose of the equipment on their behalf.
7.4. Do not use, or attempt to use, previous equipment from another home or source in the installation of a home to save on cost.
7.4.1. The only equipment to be used in a home installation is the inventory of the technician and equipment currently installed in the customer’s home.
7.5. Do not make any derogatory, false, or misleading statements regarding the function, performance, capabilities, specifications, features, requirements, reliability or design of any other company’s Services, equipment, or services.
7.6. Do not cancel, or agree to cancel or “take care” of, any contract on behalf of any person.
7.6.1. Do not prepare, write, or type a cancellation notice for a person; This includes not providing the customer a form cancellation notice, even if you tell them not to send the form cancellation notice to their current Service Provider or that it is an “example”. *You may carry blank paper, envelopes and stamps as a courtesy for customers. You may also provide the correct contact information for other entities. However, the customer must write, sign and send any cancellation notice the customer desires to send; do not do so on the customer’s behalf regardless of whether the customer gives you permission.
7.6.2. Do not mail, fax or otherwise send in the cancellation notice to the other company on behalf of the customer;
7.6.3. Do not call another company on behalf of the customer (with or without impersonating them), with or without the permission of the customer;
7.7. Do not state or otherwise imply in any manner proposed during a solicitation or sale relating to a person that then currently has Services (whether you feel it is true or not) any of the following:
7.7.1. That any competing company is going or has gone out of business or is bankrupt;
7.7.2. That any competing company is not, or has stopped, service of that potential customer;
7.7.3. That a competing company will no longer be able provide Services for that person, residence or business;
7.7.4. That RADIX is acquiring, merging with, has taken over, is being purchased by, or is otherwise part of any other company.
7.7.5. That a competing company is changing its name;
7.7.6. That any competing company sold its account;
7.7.7. That any change to the potential customer’s equipment or Services is merely an “update” or “upgrade” without immediately disclosing that the customer will be entering into a new contract;
7.7.8. That RADIX is taking over the Services of an account or has purchased an account from another company, or is a “sister company” of any other company.
8.1. Do not personally accept any cash, check, or any other form of payment from a customer under any circumstances. All payments from a customer must be made to RADIX.
8.2. Do not use at any time, or include on any customer contract, any financial transaction card information or any other form of payment information other than the homeowner’s personal financial information.
8.2.1. This includes using your own personal credit or debit card, or a prepaid credit card, on a customer contract.
8.3. Do not attempt to pay any balance on a customer’s account. In addition, do not attempt to provide a credit on an account to remove a past due balance.
8.3.1. This includes sending in a money gram to bring a past due customer’s balance current in order to be paid a commission on the account.
8.4 Upon termination of their agreement with RADIX or acceptance of employment/contractor status with another home energy or services provider, Sales Professionals forfeit eligibility for any pending commission payments or compensation.
9.1. Do not cause any person to whom you have previously sold Services to while working for a different company to enter into a new contract with RADIX.
9.1.1. This includes instances where the account has been purchased by another company, even if the customer claims to have cancelled with that other company.
9.2. Do not use customer information that you have previously obtained, or obtained from another individual, to resell a customer or assist another to sell that customer.
9.2.1. If you sold a customer when you worked for a previous competing company, you cannot sell that customer as a RADIX Sales Contractor. Further, you cannot give customer information from a customer you previously sold with another company to any RADIX Sales Contractor.
9.2.2. You also cannot provide / sell RADIX customer information to another person or entity.
9.2.3. This includes using, transferring, or selling customer lists and information of any previously sold individual.
10.1. If the potential customer does not qualify, do not tell him/her that you will return at a later time if you do not intend to do so.
10.2. If you leave your number with a customer and they call and leave a message, you are required to return their call within 24 hours. The same applies to returning calls from the RADIX corporate office.
10.3. Do not use anything that may be considered “scare tactics” when soliciting prospective customers.
10.4. Your conduct must be consistent with a Sales Contractor of RADIX at all times.
10.4.1. Specifically, do not swear at or to a customer or say or take any action that could be considered rude or inappropriate, regardless of how the customer may act towards you. This is especially true when the customer does not agree to get Services.
10.4.2. Representing RADIX publicly in a negative way. This includes, but is not limited to, criminal activity, news reports, etc.
10.5. You must follow and abide by RADIX’s current Media policy, as well as the Social Media (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc) policy.
10.5.1. If you are ever approached by an investigator, reporter, or any other media members and asked for a comment on any RADIX issue, politely let them know that you are not the right person to speak with and refer the person to RADIX media contacts.
10.5.2. Be respectful, courteous, and professional at all times when using Social Media; this includes your own personal accounts as well as any corporate accounts.
10.5.3. If you need clarification or have questions about these policies, please contact the Compliance Department.
10.6. Sexual harassment of any kind is not tolerated at RADIX and is grounds for termination of their Sales Contractors agreement. Please report any incident to hr@radixsolar.com.
(These directives apply to any and all sales activities / attempts done over the phone, regardless of whether it is done by an Inside Sales rep or a door-to-door rep.)
11.1. All calls related to the sale of Services must be done on a recorded line.
11.1.1. No sales activities should take place on a personal cell phone, via text message, email, or other means other than a recorded corporate line.
11.1.2. The customer must be clearly informed at the beginning of all sales calls that their call is being recorded for quality assurance.
11.1.3. Do not send any email, letter, or other written communication to any prospective or actual customer without the message being previously approved by the Marketing department.
11.2. Do not state or imply during the course of the sale that the customer has “won” something or that the offer you are providing them is a “prize” of any form.
11.3. Do not make calls to (or accept calls from) any state where an individual telemarketing license is required, unless you have a physical copy of such license in your possession at that time.
12.1. Any lead marked in a canvassing application is assigned to the Sales Contractor who dispositioned that lead for 14 days.
12.2. Any customer who has been sent an Install Agreement is assigned to the Sales Contractor who closed the account for 60 days.
12.3. Sales Contractors who sell a currently assigned lead or customer will be fined up to the full commission of the account and, depending on severity and frequency, are subject to probation and/or termination.
13.1. Following the termination of the Independent Contractor Agreement, Sales Contractors shall be paid any sales commissions earned prior to the termination date, with the exception of held commissions.
13.2. Sales Contractors will immediately upon termination cease being eligible for any bonus payments, overrides, or similar indirect forms of compensation.
13.3. Any sales commission earned after termination will be held for a minimum of six (6) months to account for any additional costs incurred due to Sales Contractors.
By living in Company Sponsored Housing Sales Contractor agree to observe and abide by all the policies listed below, in the sub-contractor agreement, and of the landlord. Failure to adhere to the rules can result in fines and/or termination.
1. Absolutely NO drugs or alcohol:
a. Use of any illegal drugs will result in termination and legal enforcement;
b. No alcohol may be stored or consumed within Company Sponsored Housing;
c. No smoking in the space.
2. Housing care, cleanliness, and accountability:
a. Keep housing clean at all times(dishes, trash, vacuum, sweep, etc.);
b. Everyone staying in the housing is responsible for its care. Report any damages or stains immediately to avoid liability;
c. Furniture is rented and must be treated with care;
d. Furniture may not be moved from one space to another;
e. Housing inspections will be completed each month by management;
f. Please report any abuse of these guidelines immediately to ensure that you are not personally held accountable for others’ violations;
3. Furniture:
a. Any damage to furniture that results in a charge to Company will immediately be charged to Sales Professionals responsible for the damage.
4. Be courteous and respect your neighbors and roommates:
a. Keep noise levels low especially after dark and avoid cursing or foul language around common areas;
b. No parties;
c. No guests may stay the night without informing the Company;
d. No tossing trash or cigarette butts off balconies or in common areas;
e. Follow all landlord rules.
5. Pet policy - Pets are not allowed:
a. RADIX does not allow pets in Company Sponsored Housing.
b. If, however, Sales Professional has an Emotional Support Animal (“ESA”) or Service Animal (“SA”), an exception will be made. Sales Professional must provide proof to Company that their ESA or SA is registered with the National Service Animal Registry AND give Company 10days written notice prior to moving in.
c. If Sales Professional violates this pet policy, they will be charged a non-refundable fee of $1,000, plus any animal damage charges incurred from the landlord.
6. Move-in/move-out:
a. Inspect your room upon arrival for any pre-existing damages or stains and notify Company;
b. Sales Professional must be honest and accountable for any damages that Sales Professional caused;
c. Sales Professional must pack all belongings and thoroughly clean the space upon move-out. Leave the space in the same condition or better than when moving-in or severe cleaning fees will be applied;
d. Leave any keys to the front door, pool, or mailbox with your manager at move-out, or fees will apply;
e. If applicable, all keys must be turned into landlord upon departure, or Sales Professional will be charged replacement fees.
7. Violation of this policy:
a. If due to Sales Professional’s actions, RADIX is evicted or blacklisted by the landlord, Sales Professional will be personally liable for all fees associated with the loss of Company Sponsored Housing.